Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast, Bucketeer Hills And Holes Journey Forward. Tonight we continuing to introduce the H.A.H. (*.*.*) Game . . . or Hills And Holes.
In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission has always been to establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the second hour, the host continued to introduce the Hills And Holes Game by examining the open source shareware H.A.H. (3.0.0) Game Rules and equipment needed for play. Using a standard checkers set, playing cards, and various dice the host has created a Cooperative Game Theory Role Playing Game that can be played in both solo and multiplayer modes. The Player, or Bucketeer, moves from the simplest of Quests to more and more difficult challenges at each Skill Level as they fill their Buckets and help save Wacky World from THE MEANIES and their Minions! Great fun for the whole family or Truth Lions passing the time in cages! So Wake Up! Level Up! Party Up! Ante Up! Starve BOZ! Feed Clovis! . . . and most importantly, Get In The Game!!!
#Games #GameTheory #Gaming #Bucketeerz #HillsAndHoles #HAH #StarveBOZ #FeedClovis
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Jan 22, 2019 - Bucketeer Hills And Holes Journey Forward
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