Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast, Violent Lions Struggle To Rule The World. Tonight we will look at the history of H.G. Well's novel The War Of The Worlds.
In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission has always been to establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In our Second Hour, Violent Lions Struggle To Rule The World, the host will look at the history of H.G. Well's novel The War of The Worlds. From the early Absolute Authority of the Evil Queen archetype of our T3-Copper Era (10,000-4000 B.C.), to the early forms of The King's Word is Law of our T2-Iron Era (4000 B.C. - 2000 A.D.), to the origins of the first armies of WAR (1500 B.C.), to the story of Moses The Law Giver of a Chosen Elite in Hebrew Mythology (1400 B.C.), to the By Any Means Necessary military tactics of Judah Maccabee (166 B.C.), to the establishment of The House Of Rothschild or Red Shield (1760 A.D.), to the publication of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (1848), to the introduction of the word Intransigent into the English lexicon (1875-1880), to the publication of The Jewish State by Theodor Herzl (1896),
to the first World Zionist Congress (1897), to the publication of H.G. Well's novel The War Of The Worlds (1898) which describes a global invasion from the Red Planet of Mars by a technologically superior alien species determined to subjugate all of mankind into a New World Order the host will examine the symbolism of this novel compared to the rise of World Communism in the 20th Century and its clash with Western White Civilization being like two Great Lions battling for dominance to decide who will control the jungle.
#WarOfTheWorlds #HGWells #Communism #Maccabees #Zionism #Marxism
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Aug 22, 2018 - Violent Lions Struggle To Rule The World
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