come to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast, Marxist Feminism Lurks On A Cliff's Edge. Tonight we will look at the history of Feminism and why the original working title of this show was, "Let's You Fish And Bicycles Fight!"
In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission has always been to establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In our Second Hour, Marxist Feminism Lurks On A Cliff's Edge, the host will look at the history of Feminism and how it has been used to achieve the jewish End-Game objective of destroying the traditional White Family system of Western Civilization. From the Evil Queen archetype of our T3-Copper Era (10,000-4000 B.C.), to the stories of Lilith, Eve, and Naamah in Hebrew Mythology, to the story of Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnelle in Arthurian Legend, to the rise of the modern Feminists like Gloria Steinem who popularized the battle cry "A Woman Needs A Man Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle", to the entire generation of TV Boomers who raised their children to NOT be like Grandma and Grandpa, to the rise of Women In Seats of Power throughout modern western civilization the host will examine how under the banner of Tikkun olam - Repair the World these (((Cultural Marxists))) deliberately set Women and Men against each other with their "Let's You And Him Fight" psychological warfare manipulations.
#CulturalMarxism #TikkunOlam #Feminism #PsychWar #Boomers #Family
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Aug 1, 2018 - Marxist Feminism Lurks On A Cliff's Edge
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