Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast Feeding Lions In Trafalgar Square. Tonight we will look at the history of Lion symbolism.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by
globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, Feeding Lions In Trafalgar Square, the host examines the history of Lions in symbolism from the ancient Zodiac symbol of Leo, to the story of
Jacob and his son Judah known as the Lion Cub, to Richard the Lionhearted, to the Lion's Paw grip of the Freemason, to the Great Beast of Zion on the original Modern Maccabee Battle Flag of
Israel, to the Lions in Trafalgar Square, to Leo the mascot of MGM Studies, to the Great Lion Aslan in C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia as we start off the New Year
2018 A.D. with a mighty roar!
#Leo #Lions #LionsPawGrip #Freemasonry #Maccabees #TrafalgarSquare
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January 3 , 2018 - Feeding Lions In Trafalgar Square
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