Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast 9-11 Truth From The Top. Tonight we will discuss the events leading up to, on and beyond the events of September 11,
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by
globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, the host looks at the events of September 11, 2001. Who had the Motive, the Means, and the Opportunity to carry out such a crime and most importantly, Cui
bono? Who benefitted? Why does it still matter? From Theodor Herl's The Jewish State in 1896 to Oden Yinon's 1982 A Strategy For Israel in the 1980s to the Project for the
New American Century's Rebuilding America's Defenses in 2000 the host will give all you Meme Warriors the ammunition you will need to break through cognitive dissonance and push the Overton
Window in the run up the 16th Anniversary of this New Pearl Harbor that launched the War Of Terror for the Greater Israel agenda.
9-11 Truth, Dancing Israelis, Greater Israel, Oded Yinon
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Sept 06, 2017 - 9-11 Truth From The Top
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