Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast A Requiem For John-Boy. Tonight we will discuss the history of The Waltons TV franchise.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, the host looks at the history of the long running and award winning TV franchise, The Waltons. Debuting in December 1971 with the holiday special The Homecoming: A Christmas Story, running as a weekly hour long TV series until 1981 and followed up with six made for TV movie sequels, this was one of Lorimar and Warner Brothers most successful franchises. The host will compare the themes of the original 1962 novel Spencer Mountain by Earl Hamner, Jr. with the 1963 film by the same title produced by Delmar Daves and discuss how Hamner's story was corrupted by the jewish screenwriters for the (((big screen))). The story was then cleaned up for TV and released as The Waltons and sold as family entertainment while acting as a jewish psychological warfare operation to promote the demise of the extended white European nuclear family unit by the Cultural Marxists behind the scenes.
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July 12th, 2017 - A Requiem For John-Boy
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