Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast Mad Mod Murderous Maccabees. Tonight we will discuss the history of the Cold War Spy.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.
In the Second Hour, the host looks at the history of the post World War II Cold War Spy genre in both popular culture media and in official state policy. From TV franchises like "The Avengers", "I-Spy", "The Man From U.N.C.L.E" and "Get Smart" to movie icons like "James Bond", "Our Man Flint", and "Austin Powers" that glamorized the womanizing infiltrating Secret Agent with a license to kill to the realities of Star Chamber justice political assassinations, "Strategy Of Tension" terrorist psy-ops, and mass media manipulation under projects such as "Operation Gladio" and "Operation Mockingbird" the host looks at the jewish hidden hand behind these "Spy vs. Spy" systems as well as the Globalist end game objectives.
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